Thank you for installing our Diversity Sidekick

Our Diversity Sidekick Chrome extension gives you with a suite of tools for inclusive hiring including a bias scanner for text, a diversity sourcing tool on LinkedIn, an interview agenda and script generator and a robust library of diversity training and awareness resources.

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Explore the Diversity Sidekick features

Analyze your writing, and communication for exclusionary terms

We enable you to automatically scan your documents, emails, web pages and job descriptions for gender bias, jargon, reading level and exclusionary content.
Image of example candidate applications

Source diverse candidates and reduce bias on LinkedIn.

We enable you to automatically anonymize candidate profiles on LinkedIn and gain advanced insights on the communities candidates are connected to in your sourcing.

Instantly generate interview agendas and scripts.

We enable you to create your own interview scripts and agendas, pulling from more than 300 behavioral interview questions across 65 competencies. Use our tool manage your interview by keeping time and coding feedback.
Laptop showing bias decoder
Illustration of platform

Access diversity awareness content & training resources.

We give you access to a fully library of diversity training resources on underrepresented communities, biases, microagressions, a diversity glossary and self-guided training courses.

Community Insights & Resources

The New Guide to DEI Metrics + Goal-Setting
Lay the Groundwork for an equitable interview
Harvard business review
The Great Resignation Doesn't Have to Threaten Your DEI Efforts
Unveiling the 2021 Diversity Hiring Report: Insights, Barriers & Perspectives of Underrepresented Job Seekers